Since 2012, we’ve invested in sustainable solutions to end extreme poverty: school scholarships, educational resources, teacher training, and clean water.
Solar lights provided for nighttime study to students and teachers in our partner communities who do not have access to reliable light sources after dark.
Through our clean water partnerships, over 40 villages and 45,000 women, children and families have received water wells that provide access to life-saving clean water.
We’re Not Your Typical Non-Profit
We’re a small grassroots nonprofit that works lean so that we can customize our solutions to the needs of the students in each partner community.
We focus on generational impact rather than one-time impact. We provide solutions that are educational heirlooms that can be carried down generation to generation and across communities.
Education Lasts
Kikulu was founded to resolve the shortcomings of education access in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 93 million children are not in school.
We believe that when kids go to school, have proper resources, and are given opportunities to dream, they excel. Against all odds, they begin to thrive.
Through our programs, students in Uganda receive an opportunity to receive a quality education.
We’re on a mission to ensure all children have access to quality education.
Education is the most powerful tool we can use to change the world.
Education reduces poverty, empowers, prevents disease, and allows kids to act upon their dreams and thrive.